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Sonic Solutions Algae Control – USA

Sonic Solutions Algae Control – USA

Dealer in UAE

An environmentally friendly solution to effectively control algae and biofouling in lakes, reservoirs, treatment plants, tanks, sedimentation basins, clarifiers, water process channels and other applications using ultrasound devices. The transducer projects a powerful ultrasonic wave 360° through the water, which upon reaching the center of the algal cell, causes excessive pressure to build up in the vacuole. Once pressure has exceeded a critical threshold it ruptures the cell vacuole causing the algae to die. The dead algae usually decompose within seven to ten days, whilst filamentous algae may take up to eight weeks to dissolve completely. The ultrasonic signals used are harmless to humans, animals, fish and aquatic plants. We have land based 60 watt and 180 watt solar power system and also floating solar array system.


